Don’t Tell Me You’re in Redpoint Mode When You’re Not

Jul 22, 2024 | Stories | 0 comments

Jul 22, 2024 | Stories | 0 comments

New-ish climbers can be myopic in ways that one might call annoying. I really want to be the kind of magnanimous person who can take that big noob energy and help guide it to align with the norms of established crag etiquette. I’d love to be the generous mentor who holds grace for new-ish climbers, using my infinite supply of patience to gently correct the sometimes misguided ways they navigate outdoor crags, helping them become more considerate, integrated members of our community.

But it turns out I’m not that kind of person. I’m a petty, vindictive coward who will just shit-talk gumbies anonymously on my website.

This past weekend, I had an interesting interaction with a climber on a sport climb. The route is a warmup for me, but …

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About The Author

Andrew Bisharat

Andrew Bisharat is a writer and climber based in western Colorado. He is the publisher of Evening Sends and the co-host of The RunOut podcast.

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