Andrew Bisharat

Andrew Bisharat is a writer and climber based in western Colorado. He is the publisher of Evening Sends and the co-host of The RunOut podcast.


I admired the perfectly crafted cappuccino before me, especially the artful mocha brush strokes through the white foam. The warm Sunday morning sun and dry air made the roast’s aromas and chocolate smack all the more piquant. The patio of an Italian café is a fine...

Euros Eat Our Lunch

The blogging sector of the climbing world is alight with varioustheories about whether or not Europeans are eating lunch on American rocks ... or something like that. After stumbling over this phrase that I’ve never understood, I managed to catch up with the gang and...

Rise of the Plastic Maidens

There’s an uncomfortable truth that many climbers in various cities are having difficulty accepting: their gyms may be better than the actual rock climbing in their areas. “Yep, blah blah gym has the best cragging in the region,” I now hear people say, chuckling,...


I don’t know what is going on in this picture, but it looks like we’re having fun. I don’t really have the creative energy right now to try to re-cap two weeks in paradise, but I’ll try to give a few critical glimpses into what our trip involved: CAROUSING: The first...

How I Fell In Line

People are sheeple. What a hysterically boring statement! But sometimes, obnoxious overgeneralizations are true and we only have ourselves to blame. Indeed! We walk in the same paths, do what’s safe, follow the herd mentality and only climb on routes that get at least...

Upgrade Yourself

Disclaimer: Before reading this rant, please understand that I understand that you don’t care about 5.14, or sport climbing, or hearing about “whiny pro climbers who complain about not making enough money.” I understand that some of you won’t relate to this. I...

Call it What You Want

Call It What You Want amazingly captured every element of climbing that detracts from the reasons I like this sport. Watching it actually made me sad.The movie is supposedly about George Ullrich, the British teen who nearly climbed the Bachar-Yerian (5.11 R) sans...

Guns and Rum

I’m not a big gun person. In fact, I’ve spent many days arguing with loser rednecks that the second amendment is bullshit, it does more harm than good, and we may as well just get rid of guns in order to prevent the continued recurrence of tragedies like Virginia...

Depression … a New Vision?

This rambling blog post is an attempt to pull my head out of the fog and bring some clarity and meaning to my life. Hell, just to get my typing fingers moving again is all I really need after two weeks in the jungle. This post is not going to have a point, or be very...

The British Invasion

Like many of you, I receive a lot of penis enlargement spam—lately, even more the usual. Unlike many of you, I don’t need it. Ha, ha! That’s only a “little” joke to get me started after a hiatus spent building pyramids, writing symphonies and having three-legged races...

The Season’s End

Autumn is a time for animals and plants to start dying. Elk are coming down from their lofty perches up high, despite what every natural instinct tells them, only to get smoked down by a speeding car being driven by a soft, stupid, fleshy person on the way to doing...

50 Words For Disappointment

There’s obviously plenty of issues other than what a couple of elite rock climbers are doing down at the Red River Gorge to be more concerned about. Especially today! It’s Election Day, my homies. The last two years of primaries have felt incredibly claustrophobic to...