If you’re following Moonboard Instagram, you may have stumbled upon Hoseok Lee, a South Korean climber who has also known for his numerous Moonboard benchmarks. Hoseok has an impressive array of lock-off and one-arm party tricks that he occasionally posts to his IG feed, in addition to his steady stream of Moonboard problems. He’s got over 30K followers, last I checked.

I recently came across a YouTube video that describes a training routine Hoseok used to get him climbing V8 after a few short months in the sport. Four years in, he’s now climbing V12/13 and that’s impressive by any measure.

I wanted to share this video because there’s a certain simplicity to what is being described here that I found both interesting, useful, and motivating. Essentially Hoseok divides his week into two days of training (non-climbing exercises) and two days of performance climbing (Moonboard, gym, etc.). His regimen on training days is almost absurdly simple: essentially, it’s just a fuck-stack of pull-ups, push-ups, and sit-ups. In other words, tried-and-true bodyweight exercises that will build strength.

He says he doesn’t hangboard. His finger strength derives more or less from climbing on the Moonboard and bouldering. Another way to think of this is that he’s dividing half his week to building finger strength and climbing technique, and half his week to building full-body strength on his training days.

The big takeaway here is that training doesn’t need to be complicated. Indeed, for MOST climbers, especially those climbing under V8, this simple approach would be more effective than devising and tracking more complicated exercises and schedules.

Check it out and see what you think. Hoseok says he could do a one-arm pull-up after three months of this. See if you can get there too.